
We don’t know what your website goals are, but WordPress is king (in our opinion.)

Our site is WordPress, our client sites are WordPress, this article explains why we won’t choose any other platform.

  1. WordPress is the worlds most popular CRM. WordPress powers more than 30% of them, worldwide!  You may be asking “what is CRM?” so we’re here to explain. CRM means Customer Retention Management which is a platform the specifically helps you track the interactions between you, customers, and potential customers. This is extremely helpful for customer retention and growth. WordPress developers are building out this robust platform daily with over 55,000 plugins and endless new features, making it easier than ever for us to customize your site just the way you want.
  2. WordPress is superior for flexibility. Websites, blogs, ecommerce, design portfolios, virtual classrooms, forums, the possibilities are endless. WordPress offers tons of FREE templates so you can customize every aspect of your site, plus hundreds of tutorials to make it easier than ever to continue maintaining your site even after we launch it.
  3. User-friendly client/designer hand-off . Our clients should be confident they can maintain their site even after we hand it off, and we haven’t met a platform quite like WordPress that exceeds our expectations. With the endless library of WordPress tutorials and online community of support, our clients have full control of their site from post-build and launch. 

For AlaKart Design Co, there just isn’t a platform that comes close. 

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